Guest Writers

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Monday, December 13, 2004

Lunch Time Commercials by Bonnie Ransonette

Hi. For those of you who don't know, I'm Laurie's baby sister. As you will soon tell, we tend to have a very similiar way of looking at things. I, too, have certain commercials that just tend to irritate me.

For example, there is a new fiber commercial out that talks about how regular these three men are that work together because they take the same fiber. One takes a tablet, one eats a wafer and the other drinks powder in his morning juice. Well, to prove how regular they are, the commercial shows these three men going to the restroom together at the same time every day. Is it just me are does that thought just seem rather gross? For one, imagine the smell. Two, maybe its just men, but I know most woman hate doing "serious" business at work, let alone with other people in the room.

The other problem with this commercial is that they always show it at the same time every day while we're at lunch and trying to eat. Its bad enough that the commercial world thinks that every ache and pain needs a visible personality like Digger, the ugly toenail guy. Now they have an ugly critter for our migraines and, yes, these too are always shown while we're at lunch. Not to mention the bears crapping in the woods.

Our other complaint at lunch is that, while we're sitting there stuffing our faces they have to show a Victoria's "half naked" Secret commercial. Please. Her real secret is that you have to weigh twelve pounds for her stuff to look good.

To correct this I say soap operas should never have commercials. Yeah, that's the ticket.

1 comment:

Mommy said...

That is gross. I hate the Mazda commercial with that freaky little kid that goes, "Zoom zoom." Man, that kid is creepy.