Ryan and Marvin won 1st place in the Holiday category of the Lad & Dad (Boy Scout) Cake Bake. It was an auction too. Ryan’s cake went for $40 (I quit bidding at $35 – I said no cake was worth that much-it would have gotten in the $50-$65 range). Some poor schmuck got our prize-winning confection. Did I mention that I am feeling guilty today and made Ryan muffins as a peace token? Marvin was way stressed over this cake. I had to sign something saying I didn’t help with the cake. The Boy Scouts take their Cake Bake/Auction seriously.
Marvin and Ryan attribute their success (did I mention they won 2nd place last year? I paid $60 for that cake!) to the "Egg Drop Tradition." Basically, Ryan gets to stand in the middle of the kitchen and drop an egg on the floor. Marvin gets to clean it up. This tradition started by accident last year when Ryan was in charge of cracking the eggs. Ryan’s version is to slam the egg on the side of the bowl and let go. The result is a culmination of half egg and shell in the bowl and half sliding down the side of the bowl, down the side of the dishwasher to pool on the floor. It's great! The joys of childhood.
Marvin realized last night, much to his horror, that all the girls’ trophies (which are many) are for sports and both of Ryan’s trophies are for cooking. Poor Marvin. We may have a chef in the family….. I am OK with that. Hey, son, go whip up a seven course meal.
I’ll have pictures next week of the awesome 1st place cake. I forgot I could take a picture with my camera phone and e-mail myself. What a dummy!
Thanks for letting me share Ryan and Marvin’s victory with you (did I mention that we were so shocked – we thought we would not win and get the cake back for $10?). The judges had great taste (no pun intended)!
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